header st alban's


Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.

- Matthew 18:20

Our life of faith is grounded and strengthed in the worship of God.


9:45 AM:  Children's Chapel – Children's Chapel 'Ministry of the Word' in the Education Building with special attention to children; particpants later join others for Holy Communion in the church. 

10:00 AM: The Holy Eucharist  

Past worship services are available at our parish's YouTube Channel.



There are many different kinds of Christian Churches and many different styles of worship. Our worship is both modern and ancient, protestant and catholic, traditional and new.

Sunday is traditionally when Christians gather together for worship. In most Episcopal Churches, and at St. Alban's, Sunday worship is a celebration of the Holy Eucharist, also known as the Mass, Holy Communion, Lord's Supper, or Divine Liturgy. "Eucharist" simply means "thanksgiving." You can learn more about the Eucharist HERE.

There is diversity in the way Episcopalians worship. We come from various backgrounds and traditions. At St. Alban's, you are likely to find various styles of music, expression, forms of prayer, and both formal and informal worship styles.

Our worship style is liturgical which means the format of the service is typically the same from week to week. The liturgy, a Greek word meaning the "work of the people," is soaked with prayers, passages of scripture, and music. Much of our liturgy has been used by Christians around the world for centuries. Our worship liturgies are primarily found in The Book of Common Prayer.

The first time you worship at St. Alban's, we want you to feel at home. Our service bulletins are used with our hymnal and contain everything you need to participate in the liturgy with us. You may feel a bit confused if liturgical worship is new to you. We stand, sit, kneel, pray together, sing, and receive communion or a blessing. However, after a few weeks, the rhythm will begin to feel familiar.

We value and celebrate the presence of children in church. To assist in children's spiritual formation, we provide worship resources for school-age children and activity packets. We also encourage families with young ones to sit close to the front so they can see!  Our Children's Chapel provides a more child-centered worship experience with the participants joining the others for Communion.


Because of God's great and inclusive love, we welcome all people. Diversity is a valued and celebrated part of who we are.

The Episcopal Church has a legacy of inclusion and honors the gifts and identity of all God's children.
